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This TEDx talk from Houston researcher/storyteller Brene (like the name “Renee” but with a B in front) is one of my favorites so far. At first, I thought it dealt with something I’m particularly grappling with right now—feeling vulnerable—but one of the points Brown makes is that everyone is grappling with this, all of the time. Apparently, being alive means being vulnerable. Um, how can we avoid this?? We can’t, says Brown. Nevertheless, she is a charming woman and her insights are fantastic. What’s weird is that it’s stuff you already know, on a gut level at least, but it’s presented in such an impactful way, it helps you get clear on what the challenge is (i.e., not numbing yourself to being vulnerable but instead embracing it).
I love that people like Brene Brown are out there in the world. I love that the TEDx talks bring people like her to me and to everyone. I wish I could just sit here all day, watching these talks. But after a point, I would just be numbing myself from the vulnerability I feel when I am instead working, creating something, right? Right.
If you’ve already dived into some task or endeavor today that makes you feel vulnerable, and you’re feeling those feelings without trying to numb yourself, I salute you.